Any Investnent that you make
goes directly to the farmers
within 3 months.
It works like this :
1. 70% of the funds are invested by us on your behalf which would be for the next 10 years.
2. 30% funds that you allocated is distributed within 3 months to farmers who follow the ideals of the safe soil movement of maintaining between 3 to 15% organic contend in their soil increasing over the period of time.

3. The crops allocated are compensation for the crops lost in Ukraine Russia and other was countries.
The crops allocated to be formed are food staples and life saving spices which are required and in scarcity in the world today because of lack of proactive and scientific agriculture methods using the sovive the soil manifesto of maintaining three to 15% organic content in the soil.
The organic content of 3 to 15% in the soil can be gradually increased from 3% to 15% over a period of 5 years or more.
Funds for the distribution of food across parts of the world where there is hunger due to climate change famine and wars.

4. You will receive the exact details of where your fund is allocated, with reference.

5. If the funds are allocated for sustainable farming you will receive the list of farmers whom the funds have been allocated, you will receive the progress details, you will receive the contact details.

6. We would also encourage you to visit the farmers to whom your funds have been allocated, to see the progress for yourself, and your contribution to your world at large, in feeding the world and extinguishing hunger and copper seating for the food lost by wars in this world.
7. The farming fields which receive funds from you will be named after you or your family or any trust which you may like.
As a sign of respect for your contribution to humanity